People with low vision or color-blindness disabilities also require accessible alternative text to varying degrees. If you can't see, all types of visual information, including images, are completely useless unless an accessible text alternative is provided which screen readers can convert into either sound or braille. It is one of the best Notepad++ alternatives that allows you to add, modify, delete, insert, words, letters, lines, and other units of text. As a result, it's necessary for images to have short, descriptive and accessible alternative text so screen reader users clearly understand the image's contents and purpose. Emacs is a Unix based text editor tool which is used by programmers, engineers, students, and system administrators. Screen readers have no way of translating an image into words that gets read to the user, even if the image only consists of text. This page provides general guidelines on what kinds of text to use in an ALT tag. Recover deleted text messages, pictures, and videos. WCAG 2.0 Guideline 1.1.1'All non-text content that is presented to the user has a text alternative that serves the equivalent purpose.'. Decipher TextMessage Alternatives Decipher TextMessage is described as 'Save text messages to your computer.

The following five examples fail the role-img-alt rule because the markup contains no corresponding and meaningful alternative text: If no ALT text is provided, then a screen reader would only be able to say 'IMAGE' or perhaps provide a file name.